Art Obsession: A Tribute to Rex Ray
I was very sad to learn that San Francisco-based contemporary artist Rex Ray (aka Michael Patterson) passed away today following a battle with cancer. You can read about his life and passing here and here.

He was a prolific graphic designer and collage artist who also designed hundreds of concert posters and provided graphic design for artists such as The Rolling Stones, Björk, U2, Radiohead, David Bowie, and Patti Smith. I'm a huge fan of his collages on wood with resin and enjoy having a couple of reproduction prints of them around us here at Ourhaus. I regret that we will not see more work from this celebrated contemporary.

If you're inspired to keep his work living on, you can learn "How to Make a Rex Ray" in this aptly named video starring Rex himself.

Rex Ray also collaborated with a number of companies to create products for the home. You can surround yourself with his work in many ways. This collaboration with Blik wall decals is really great, as it gives you the freedom to interpret and position the shapes as you wish:

For another way to bring Rex's work into the home, check out his collaboration with Nomad Rugs—I think his aesthetic translated beautifully to woven wool:

Rest in peace, good sir. We're happy to have known you in your work.

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About Us

Christopher Scott and Jodi Vautrin are the husband and wife team behind Ourhaus, where they chronicle their adventures in home improvement, decorating and travel. After purchasing a unique loft space just a few miles north of Boston, they began photographing and writing about their projects and it blossomed into a creative outlet and platform.

When they’re not home improving, Jodi spends her days as a freelance creative director & designer with a focus on user interface and interactive design, and is an entrepreneur at heart. She serves on the board of AIGA Boston as Vice President of Emerging Ideas & Events.

In his professional life, Christopher is the Technology Director for a multi-service ad agency based in Harvard Square. In his private life, he enjoys tinkering in all its forms, whether it's rebuilding the Ourhaus home network (again), fooling himself into thinking he knows how to fix home appliances, or trying to unravel the mysteries of the guitar. He also flies planes, performs open heart surgery and sings at bar mitzvahs (though not all at the same time).

They share their “haus” with their adorable, highly food-motivated chocolate lab, Lucy.


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